Are you wanting to buy a home but struggling with the down payment in this high cost of living environment? I have a solution for you. Watch my short video on how we can work to get you that down payment to purchase your dream home. Then give me a call or text to start the process 403.875.2969. We will just follow these steps to make this happen.
Down Payment Solution – Watch Video
1. Give me a call to set up the pre-approval
2. I set you up with a bank for RRSP loan (I work with many)
3. File you personal 2022 income taxes
4. Apply refund to RRSP loan
5. I set you up with one of my amazing realtors and you start the home shopping process!
6. Mortgage product is a 3% cash back to pay off RRSP loan at lawyers
7. You have you home 🙂
Check out Revenue Canada’s website to ensure you qualify to use the Home Buyers RRSP withdrawal: How to participate in the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) –

Patricia McKean